When you present to an audience, you want them to focus on the message and remember it once you have said the last word. However, while you might have gained the attention of the audience, making them stay focused and attentive is another matter. You probably already know that a standard PowerPoint just doesn’t cut
Kategori: Præsentationstræning
Ny forskning i kropssprog viser, hvordan vi kan forøge vores selvsikkerhed og mindske vores nervøsitet; bare ved at sidde eller stå i en “power position”. Testosteronniveauet stiger, og mængden af cortisol (et hormon relateret til stress) falder, når vi indtager en af de positioner, som du kan se mere om i denne video fra TED.
Nerves, voice and body language Although your body language and your pitch can be more important for the impression you make upon your audience than what you say, it’s very difficult to control consciously. There is a vast number of subtle movements that is not under your direct, conscious control, but is regulated by the
Vi præsenterede som alle andre I mit tidligere job som sælger for IBM holdt jeg utallige PowerPoint præsentationer. De hjalp mig til at huske mit emne, og de fjernede noget af den indledende nervøsitet. Men de hjalp ikke mine kunder så meget som de hjalp mig. For mine kunder havde set lignende, grafisk imponerende slides